Paid work and benefits
Impact on benefits
This can be complicated, and you should always speak to a benefits adviser about the impact a choice may have before making a decision. Click here to find out more about getting your finances checked.
Permitted work for people who receive Employment and Support Allowance
People on Employment and Support Allowance can do part time work and still claim, as long as they work less than 16 hours a week and don’t earn more than £125.50 a week. You need to let the Job Centre know if you are starting work and complete a form.
This is useful for people who have been out of work for a while, who haven’t worked before, or who may never move into full time employment.
If someone is in supported permitted work, i.e. it’s part of a treatment programme or is supervised by someone from a local council or voluntary organisation, there may be no limit to the hours they can work.
Real Life Stories
Paid work possible? Absolutely!
Twin brothers Stuart and Matthew have Fragile X syndrome – a genetic condition that causes learning disabilities. Neither can read or write well, and they can ...
Window on the world of work
Kate arranged for her 16-year-old son Connor to do an 8-week work experience placement at Eden Court Theatre in Inverness. The impact on his confidence ...